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Top Reasons Why You Don't Need a Website Template from Pick N Wix…. (But Actually, You Do)!!!

PicknWix promotional material showing three mac mock ups with wix templates on each

In the energetic world of the internet, first impressions matter more than ever. Your website is your first handshake with potential customers. It's the place where your brand shines, and your message takes centre stage.

You might be thinking, "I don't need a website template, I've got it all covered." But do you? Here's a peek into the top reasons why you might believe you don't need a website template from Pick N Wix – and why these reasons might not be as ironclad as you think!

Graffiti art showing Albert Einstein.

1. I'm a Creative Genius

We get it; you have an artistic flair. But a website template isn't about stifling creativity; it's about giving your genius a head start. Our templates offer stunning designs and a perfect framework, providing you with more time to add those personal touches that make your brand unique.

2. DIY is My Middle Name

You're a DIY enthusiast, and that's great! But consider this; our templates make DIY easier than ever. They come with all the bells and whistles you need, from mobile optimisation to SEO features. With Pick N Wix templates, you're still DIYing; it's just that your projects get a head start.

Two people in old clothes holding paint brushes and covered in paint

3. Templates are One-Size-Fits-None

Not true at all. Pick N Wix templates are versatile. They're like a perfectly tailored suit - they fit precisely, and you can customise them to match your brand's unique style. The possibilities are endless.

4. A Website Template Is Too Expensive

Our templates start at just £699+vat, making them affordable for businesses of all sizes. This is a small investment with huge potential returns. In other words, you can't afford not to use our templates!

A pink piggy bank surrounded by gold coins

5. I Don't Need to Stand Out

You might think standing out is overrated. But in a sea of online competition, standing out is the key to success. Our templates provide the foundation for you to create a website that grabs attention and leaves a lasting impression.

6. My Business Is Different

Your business is unique, and your website should reflect that. Our templates are incredibly flexible, allowing you to tailor them to your specific needs. They provide a starting point, not a straitjacket.


A black and white clown surrounded by storm troopers

Ready to debunk your doubts and discover the real benefits of our Pick N Wix website templates? Get in touch and we'll show you how our templates can release your business's full online potential.

Get ready to embrace a world of website design possibilities that make your brand shine.

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